There are 3 tools depending on what you want to do.
The first is pretty obvious to most people who run a Linux server, Being putty. it is the nicer of ssh clients i have used, and enables many of the features that a native ssh client has to offer.
Next is WinSCP This allows for a very nice and clean interface for SSH based transfers of files. all you need is an ssh login and open port. far more secure than having FTP open.
Then finally there is XMing what it does is drops an Xwindow Renderer on your desktop, when combined with putty gives you a full remote control of applications running on your home or work Linux machine with far more security and availability than anything i have seen so far.
These three tools are an amazing combination of tools. for remote administration and use of your Linux Server or Desktop
Note this does not change the security benefits or weaknesses of having Xwindows installed on a server, however for a project machine this is very useful. and can allow you to use resources that normally wouldn't be available.